Saturday 10 March 2012

Week 3 Narrative

Laura has arrived in the beautiful St Ives and has been living with her caring uncle,Laura has been treated like a princess having her every need tended too,she has been given access to everything except has been strictly forbidden to walk the path to Dead Man's Cove.This eleven year old girl is very inquisitive but hasn't made many friends since she has started school halfway through the year and every one already has their own little group.Through Mr Mukhtars son,Tariq,has listened to Laura as if he understands everything she says because apparently Tariq doesn't speak English.

But just as she's getting settled into St Ives and everything is fine.Mr Mukhtar says that Tariq finds her a bore she feels completely torn ,he was her only true friend in St Ives and now since Mr Mukhtar had said and Tariq had confirmed that she was a "bore",she felt as if she didn't have a friend in the world.

Laura's uncle had been so nice though he could be a bit scary and mysterious at times but she always remembered how kind he had been for taking her in .He was a perfect uncle and she had a perfect life in St Ives yet having heard Mr Mukhtar and Tariq talking about her referring her as selfish,constantly going on about her culture,past and school life.She felt as if Tariq,a boy who was so quiet and feeble had seen her as a bore what hope would she have making friends with ANYONE in St Ives.

I predict in the story we will find out that Tariq didn't mean what he said he was just going along with Mr Mukhtar's plan to get Laura away from the "North Star" because she was distracting Tariq from working for Mr and Mrs Mukhtar.Also I presume that Tariq actually does speak and understand English but Mr Mukhtar told him if he spoke English in public he would kill him,I think Mr Mukhtar made Tariq act dumb because he didn't want Tariq to go to school he wanted him to work himself to the bone in the "North Star".Eventually I think Laura will report Mr and Mrs Mukhtar to social services and Tariq will be put with a nice family and continue his studies in a school and excel to the greatest amount while having fun with Laura and helping her solve all the mysteries in St Ives. 

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