Sunday 25 March 2012

Week 5 Review

"Dead Man's Cove" is a truly amazing story containing all the ingredients to whip up the perfect plot.Suspense,Mystery,Adventure and ACTION.There is so much tension in this novel and it's all down to an 11 year old girl to solve these mysteries single handily...

Laura came to St Ives expecting adventure and an amazing uncle who could help her solve the mysteries in the town but who thought that her uncle,who was keen to keep his past shadowed, would have dark secrets of his own? Tariq had ended their friendship,he was her only true friend at the time where she was lonely.As soon as Tariq has become her ex-friend she has been receiving strange notes from someone who's life is in danger.It seemed trouble was stalking her no matter how hard she tried to hide from it.

Everything in her life was turning upside down but just as hope was hanging by a thread,Laura brought her very own Siberian Husky,who happened to have only three legs but Laura loved her dog,Skye,no less because of one leg missing.In Laura's eyes Skye was just like her...a cast off.

Will Laura ever learn about her uncles past?
Will she ever be able to find a friend she can relate to?
well you'll have to read the book to find out!

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